CPDT Services

High Quality ServicesQuality solutions across a range of services

We have extensive experience in a wide range of services as detailed below. We also have a network of contacts who can provide complementary services to help complete your team.


There are a great many types of heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in common use and an even greater range of design options within each one. This can make the whole field very confusing to clients. Each system can have distinct advantages and limitations, offer differing levels of comfort and efficiency and have differing initial and ongoing costs. Marketing spin can also play a significant role. Usually the cheapest first cost does not provide the best solution.

We have extensive experience with a wide range of such systems and will provide advice on what is most suitable for your application. We will then provide detailed design service and follow it up with careful construction overview to achieve the best result we can for you.

Hydraulic Services

We have very extensive experience in hydraulic systems for a very wide range of applications. These include large and complex systems for stadia, airports, hospitals and apartment buildings.

We have a lot of knowledge in designing high demand domestic hot water heating systems for applications such as sports shower facilities and large commercial kitchens. Over-designing these systems increases capital and ongoing costs and under-designing results in cold showers. We know how to get them just right.

We also have experience in designing rainwater collection systems and sizing the storage systems to optimise water savings.

Pool Water Services

Quite a number of consultants around the country claim to be experienced in swimming pool design. We believe we stand out because of our holistic and continuous improvement approach to this particularly challenging environment. While it is one thing to be able to create a workable system it is quite another to get the very best out of it.

We have completed a large number of commercial swimming pool projects, from the substantial QE2 upgrade in Christchurch, which was so unfortunately lost to the earthquake, to the award winning Dudley Park Aquatic Centre in Rangiora (While at MWH). That facility won a New Zealand Engineering Excellence Award for sustainability and clean technology, in large part due to our integrated services design. 

Energy Modelling

Detailed understanding of heat flows within a building enables us to make a huge difference to comfort levels and how a building performs. Through detailed modelling we can demonstrate how your architectural masterpieces will be to live, work or play in. We can provide far more than simply heating and cooling loads to each space. If we can be involved in a project early enough we can help you make subtle changes that will have a huge impact on comfort and energy use.

We use DesignBuilder as our building analysis software. This is one of the leading software suppliers in its field and is continuing to develop at a rapid pace. It enables us to provide accurate load estimates even from the earliest stages of concept design, right through to fine tuning at the construction documentation stage.


Controls can make or break building services installations. It is of little value to have the most efficient system possible if it runs when it doesn’t need to or the controls don’t function properly and ends up delivering the wrong conditions. We have extensive experience in designing controls processes that will deliver the optimum outcomes.

Often controls are the first place to look for making savings in an existing building. Many case studies of existing buildings have found dramatic improvements in energy consumption simply by analysing and improving control function. These solutions are very often cost effective and much less intrusive than other options.


We have wide ranging experience in piped and bottled gas systems. These include gas supplies for large commercial kitchens, boiler systems, domestic hot water systems and laboratories.

Although New Zealand's carbon goals aim to move the nation away from the widespread use of gas, it is still likely to play an important role in our energy mix for a long time to come. Therefore it cannot be overstressed how critical it is not to set aside the skills that much of our country has been built on.

Holistic Design

We can achieve substantial improvements to a design if we look at all of the building holistically. We can often find use for waste heat from one process for example to feed another and thus reduce energy consumption. Looking across disciplines greatly expands the potential for improvement. We are always looking for such opportunities, and therefore encourage you to include us in your design team at the earliest opportunity to maximise the potential savings.

We can work alongside architects to identify and eliminate thermal breaks through insulation which can torpedo a good design, or we can help advise clients how to improve insulation on existing buildings. Identifying the impact of orientation, shading and sun angles at the very beginning of a project also has a huge influence on the final outcome.

Investigations and Reports

Whether you are looking to buy or sell a building, take stock of it, make it more efficient, refurbish or upgrade it we can help. We have wide ranging experience in conducting investigations and reports for buildings. These include due diligence inspections, either for buyers or sellers, condition assessments, energy assessments, problem solving and master planning.